Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Two days until T-Day

Thanksgiving creeps up on me every year and catches me woefully unprepared. I understand some people, bless their hearts, sit down a few weeks ahead of time, plan a menu, and create a detailed shopping list, organized by grocery store aisle. I should amend that. Some crazy people do all that. OK, OK, I'm just envious I can't plan ahead, all right?

So of course I didn't go grocery shopping until today, and I went with only the vaguest notion of what I plan to serve Thursday: probably a turkey, something with sweet potatoes, and, um, other things. Oh, and a pumpkin pie. Clearly, I like orangish food.

After dodging slow old ladies and pushing around a heavy, overflowing cart with a wheel that kept sticking, I was exhausted by the time I got home. It was at that point I realized I really, really suck at this "planning ahead" thing. Just once I'd like to have the forethought to clean rotting and/or moldy food out of my refrigerator before I bring new foodstuffs home, instead of frantically tossing decrepit vegetables and wiping down shelves before the new carton of ice cream melts. Also, when I finally got around to putting the groceries away, I discovered that I already had not one, but two, giants cans of pumpkin puree. I now have enough canned pumpkin to bake pies for a horde of hungry stevedores. Gah.


J said...

Eh, so you'll just have a lot of pie.

I do the same thing though- not with Thanksgiving dinner, but with grocery shopping in general. I always end up cleaning out the fridge while I'm putting the new food away. :)

Anonymous said...

I actually did my T-giving shopping a whole week early! That is highly unusual for me.

Why did you not use LJ?

And creative-fool... I've been trying to figure that problem out for three days now. I think I may have it solved. We'll see if it comes up tomorrow. :)

Love you, ho. xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Ah, yes. Grocery shopping anytime in Thanksgiving week is for the desperate or the insane. And if you aren't when you go, you will be by time you get home.

I went to the grocery today, too...

Anonymous said...

You can never have too much pumpkin :)
I'm not cooking this year, at least not on T-day. I think I might do something on Sunday for the kids, Dave, myself. I'm on-call Thursday, so it's just easier to accept the invitation I got and not try to plan a meal. I really want to cook, though.