Monday, December 11, 2006

Searching for my doppelganger

I just saw this facial-recognition test at Robyn's and had to try it out. First, I tried it with my high school picture:

Eh, a little boring. Then I tried it with a more recent picture:

These results were funnier. Oprah will no doubt be delighted to know she resembles a middle-aged white woman. Heh. I have to confess that I tried to be a wisenheimer by trying a picture of Charlie first. The program didn't find any matches for a chihuahua, however.


J said...

Oh my god- look at High School Lisa! Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Hey, grown-up Lisa ain't exactly hideous! Seventy-two percent Heather Graham?! Hell, that's 72% closer than the rest of us will get...

But I have little confidence in their software: it matched me with Czeslaw Milosz (80%) and Buffalo Bill (62%). Then I tried a picture of Natalie Portman, and it matched her 65% with herself--but 86% with Scarlett Johansson!