Thursday, December 28, 2006

Stop me if you've heard this before

My parents just left after a short visit, and I'm reveling in the absence of my mom's chatter. I love her, but damn, can that woman talk--and about nothing in particular. What's made this habit worse the past few years is that she's started repeating things--not once, not twice, but many, many times. This morning she told me, for the fifth time since the beginning of November, that my uncle's girlfriend takes TWO Ambien and drinks before going to bed. Dangerous, sure, but worth repeated tellings? And that's all there is to the story, too. No cautionary incidents of Pat the girlfriend sleepwalking or falling into a near-coma or having lapses of memory. No hilarious stories about her cooking dinner in the middle of the night and not remembering the next day. Nope. Just the fact that Pat takes two Ambien and has a few drinks before bed. Finis. I doubt even Stephen King could spin an interesting yarn out of that story.

Before I let go of my irritation, I have to tell you she does something else that irritates the shit out of me. My dad has lost quite a bit of his hearing yet refuses to get hearing aids. I know that's frustrating. I've spent many phone conversations with him yelling at the top of my lungs while he insists I'm just not holding the phone close enough to my mouth. She treats him as though he's lost IQ points along with his hearing, however. When we go to restaurants, for example, she reads the menu to him and explains what certain dishes are like--because God knows he couldn't figure it out from the mysterious description "A medley of eggs, sausage, hash browns, and country gravy in a skillet." When we were opening Christmas presents last night, she explained what everyone got and the purpose of whatever the gift was, as though my dad couldn't SEE Kevin pull a sweater out of a gift bag and understand it's something to wear. Oy. My dad's one of the smartest people I know, and I can't help thinking being treated like a simpleton is slowly driving him mad. However, he seems to have a bottomless reservoir of patience where my mother is concerned. I admit she's a very sweet and thoughtful person, so I guess that helps.

I wonder what Daniel's going to write about me in his blog 30 years from now. "My mom's funny, but I wish she'd shut the hell up about how CNN misspells words all the time in the news crawl! And God, if I hear her bitch one more time about people using apostrophes to form plurals, I'm going to stick a sock in her mouth." Maybe I should start working on being sweeter and more thoughtful, just to make sure I wind up in one of the GOOD nursing homes.


Anonymous said...

Hi Hulda's best friend here... the other Lisa! ;-) Just wanted to say that my grandmother is like your mother... I love her to bits too but by the 5th time she's telling me that my cousin started her own business and my other cousin got an A in this that and the other, and that a certain auntie doesn't practice what she preaches, I am so there with a sock just waiting... but actually I have come to the realisation that if you just let them be and occupy yourself with finding a happy place, then things work out much easier in the end... either that or councelling! ;-)

Lisa said...

Hi, Hulda's best friend! Does she associate only with people named Lisa? ;-)
I should create a happy mental place I can go to when my mom starts babbling. The problem is that she asks questions or looks at me expectantly, waiting for a response. I don't think she'd be amused by me replying "Yes, Johnny Depp, you can call me anytime!" Heh.

mercyst said...

Gee my mother does the same thing. But she has short term memory loss and I have to keep reminding myself of that. It does get on the nerves.
Gosh Lisa I bet my daughter would have a lot to say about me if she had a blog, I bet her story of what has been going on with us would be far different that mine. yikes

Anonymous said...

Along with CNN misspellings and apostrophied plurals, add this online hair-puller: "definately." And the absolute worst instance I've ever seen of its use: "...definately was finite." Aaarrrgghhh! 'Splain that one, Lucy!

J said...

The reason your dad can handle it so well is probably because he can't HEAR her! :)

Sorry I missed you today- it was actually busy at work and now I'm heading in for a nap. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Yes I think Hulda only associates with people called Lisa... at least this seems to be the pattern at least... understandable of course that she'd meet one fabulous Lisa and would somehow link the name to all things wonderful!! Welcome to the club! ;-)