Robyn double-dog-dared me to post a picture of my morning bead head because I claimed mine was way worse than hers. I think the pictures here speak for themselves. Also, they're proof of my deep, abiding love for y'all. I wouldn't reveal myself in all my puffy, pasty, unmadeup glory if I didn't adore you (and you, especially).
I drove Hilda the Honda to Curve$ yesterday, and I'm adjusting to an automatic fairly well, even though my left foot still tries to hit the clutch at times. One feature I haven't tried yet is cruise control. Does anyone actually use it? I hear it's supposed to be handy on long highway trips, but it seems a little silly to me. Is pressing the gas pedal that much work? I think it's my Amish streak that's objecting . . .
Speaking of Curve$, I solved all the word puzzles yesterday and got five Curve$ bucks! They're fake money used as a sort of motivational strategy; for example, you get a buck for each workout, another one each time you work out three times in one week, and so on. The thing is, I'm not quite sure what I can use them for. The manager said something vague about buying special merchandise, but when I asked whether she meant the T-shirts on display, she looked confused and said "Well, not really." Whatever. I'm still collecting them because . . . well, I might amass a huge pile of them and then take over the world! Mwah-ha-ha-ha. Yeah, I'm an easy mark.
Here are the word puzzle questions I answered; each answer phrase includes the word "cow." You can leave your answers in the comments.
- Bart's advice to chill out
- Symbol of Hinduism
- A long time
- A money-making endeavor
Uh, I can't remember the last one. I get no points for memory skills. Good thing I can do the daily USA Today crossword puzzle again to exercise my brain. Jane had mentioned doing this puzzle online every day, so a few months ago, I decided to give it a try as part of my efforts to ward off early senility. I got addicted quickly. Last week, I couldn't get the page to display, though--it kept showing up blank! I tried substituting paper crosswords, but I missed the "Ta-da!" sound USA Today's puzzle plays when you finish solving it. And it gives you a grade, which my nerdy little soul delights in. Daniel updated Flash on my computer last weekend, and I think that fixed the display problem. My only quibble is that there are no new puzzles on the weekends, but I have my logic puzzle magazine as an alternative. I'm puffy, pasty, AND a geek! Could I make myself sound more attractive? I think not.
Don't have a sacred cash cow 'til they come home, man...
You don't look puffy or pasty, but you do look like you just ate a lemon. It couldn't be that bad! Unless, of course, you got up really, really early.
BTW, on a long highway trip in open country, cruise control can reduce fuel consumption by keeping your speed more or less constant. It also keeps you from speeding, assuming you set it within legal limits. But in my neck o' the woods, it ain't practical.
I use cruise control on the interstate. It regulates the speed and saves on fuel consumption.
I wish I looked that good when I wake in the morning!
Let's see about the quiz
don't have a cow
holy cow
uhh something cow :-/
cash cow
Hilda the Honda, that's awesome!
Totally made me think of this picture:
Ha! I love that picture. :)
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