Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Begonia or orchid?

Hello, I'm feeling unbelievably crappy. I'm exhausted, and I keep throwing up (TMI, sorry), much like the problem I was having last fall (NOT PREGNANCY). My blood sugar's a little high, which I think is because I'm so stressed with this rush job. I used to handle rush jobs without breaking a sweat and could stay up until all hours working. Now I have to work a little harder than usual, and I'm falling apart. When did I turn into such a hothouse flower? (Hush, Sasha!)
I have no time to post much of anything, but if you like, leave a funny comment for me. It doesn't have to be the height of hilarity, either. You might not know this, but I'm quite the humor slut, and it doesn't take much to crack me up. Make an overworked hothouse flower giggle; it can be your good deed for the day. I promise to be less pathetic soon!


Anonymous said...

Oh shit, this is too much pressure. I can't think of a joke. But I hope you feel better. Watch that glucose.

Anonymous said...

Begonia, huh? Okay, you asked for it...

Two guys meet at the office coffee machine. One looks like he hasn't slept in days. The other asks what's wrong.

"It's this damn cold snap. My wife has me up all night, keeping her begonia warm."

"Huh. My wife wears a floor length flannel nightgown. I can't even get at her begonia!"

Anonymous said...

Q. What do you call a pirate with a penchant for underage girls?
A. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Kelly. (Get it? For those who might not know, R. Kelly is a rapper who was indicted for having sex with a minor. The charges were later reduced to soliciting a minor for child pornography.)
Feel better!

Anonymous said...

Hang in there, kid! I'm horrible at spontaneous funny. How about I share a joke Sam (my 5-year-old) told me:

What is a cow's favorite thing to do?

Go to the mooooovies.


Hulda said...

Bob Marley is complaining about the donuts in heaven, they have no jam in.

That's my funny bit for the day, hope you feel better soon.

J said...

Redneck Honeymoon

A redneck couple gets married and are on their honeymoon. The woman changes into a sexy outfit and lies on the bed. She looks sheepishly up at her new hubby and whispers, "Please be gentle with me. I'm a virgin."

The man gets up screaming, grabs his trousers and runs home to tell his father.

His father comforts him by saying, "Now, now. It'll be okay, son. If she wasn't good enough for her own family, then she isn't good enough for ours."