Sunday, April 1, 2007

Operation Spring Cleaning: Mission Accomplished (Well, Almost)

Even though I'm much busier with work now, when I do have time to update, I sit and stare at an empty Word document. I have writer's block! Oooo, how dramatic of me. I'm a tortured, artistic soul, you know. Riiiiiiiiiiiight. I think my problem is frustration over not being able to do the 349 other things I want to be doing but CAN'T because I'm working all the time. And frankly, when I stop working for the day, the last thing I want to do is come back here in my messy office and open yet another document in Word. On the other hand, venting here does ease a little of my frustration, so . . . gah.

One thing adding to my frustration is that spring has finally arrived. My forsythia bushes have been blooming all week, the daffodils are popping up everywhere, and my crabapple tree is covered in little buds that will turn into gorgeous pink flowers soon. At this time of year, I always want to fling the windows open and clear away all traces of winter. I want to pack up sweaters and clean out flower beds and wash windows and mop floors; in other words, I want a fresh start. I've been fretting all week because I've been so busy with work, and warm, breezy days have been going by with nothing getting cleaned.

I decided that with Kevin gone this weekend at the convention, I had the perfect opportunity to get some cleaning done without him getting in my way or distracting me. So yesterday, I dragged the big area rugs out on the front porch and shampooed them, and then while they dried outside, I mopped the wood floors. I shampoo the rugs outside because I can't do it while they're ON the wood floors. At least, I don't think I can. If I can, don't tell me because I damn near killed myself hauling them outside. I can't believe how heavy those rugs are! My arms are killing me today, even though Daniel helped me carry them. Pushing that shampooer around makes me feel like Sisyphus shoving a boulder uphill, too.

Also, I washed windows in the living and dining rooms, which doesn't sound like much, but in those two rooms alone, I have six tall windows. I gathered up tchotchkes and knickknacks and bric-a-brac (all of which sound funnier and more interesting than "junk sitting around," right?) and threw them in the dishwasher. While I had the Windex out, I cleaned the glass on all my framed pictures. And the dusting. Oh my God, the dusting I did! If I didn't know better, I'd swear my furnace filter has never been changed, but Kevin does that twice a year, I think. He SAYS he does, anyway. Hmmmph. I still need to take all the--what do you call them? The metal thingies that go over the heating/AC vents? I need to take them outside and hose them off. The ones I have are big and squarish, which is just more surface area to collect dust and pet hair.

Aaaaand when I finish, I get to repeat all this work upstairs, much to the delight of my aching muscles. I'll have help, though, because Daniel's on spring break this week. I'm sure he'll be delighted I've come up with activities to fill his week. Hey, that's the kind of thoughtful mom I am!


Anonymous said...

The dread writer's block: time to haul out the Julia Cameron tomes ;-)

You forgot the thingamabobs and jimcracks! Can't they go in the dishwasher, too?

By the way, it's a good thing you dragged the rugs outside for their shampoo, just in case your wood floors aren't sealed. Oh, and tell Kevin he should change those furnace filters at least every other month, especially with your menagerie.

Lisa said...

I don't see why they can't go in the dishwasher! :)
Every month, seriously?? That boy's been slacking off.

crazy dog lady said...

Wow Lisa. I got worn out just reading. I need to clean, too. Just tossing my junk mail and all the paper clutter (magazines I still haven't read, etc.) is a 2 day affair.

Agree with the more frequent changing of the furnace filter. (You can also buy the kind that you hose off if you don't want to get disposable ones). I only have 2 dogs but the hair from even short haired dogs makes a big difference. In fact, I got lazy about it too and had to pay a furnace guy to come over on one of those horrendously cold evenings in the beg. of Feb. because of my gaffe. It seems that if the filter gets clogged then some whoosit drops down in the watchmacallit and switches the doodad on. My whoosit got fried. The part cost 18 bucks but with the 10 mins. of labor that little escapade totalled $97. You bet I'm changing that 2 dollar filter every month now.

Good to see an update. I know you are very busy but I miss your writing.

And Jack the Alien Dog says hello!!

J said...

I'm so proud of you, Lisa! And all the soreness is good for you...right? (I'll be online later this afternoon- in a couple of hours-if you want to chat)

Anonymous said...

I've got daffodil buds, but no flowers yet. I can't wait for them to burst into full bloom! By the way, I ended up ordering the filet mignon, and it was very good. No dessert, though - I was too full!

Unknown said...

I looked out the window yesterday and noticed that they need to be cleaned (from the outside) because the SUN was showing all the outside dustiness. Something I didn't see all winter because I never see the SUN.