Friday, January 18, 2008

I saw this CD Cover Meme at Alicia's and had to try it. Here are the instructions:

1. Go here. The first article title on the page is the name of your band.

2. Go here. The last four words of the last quote are the title of your album.

3. Go here. The third picture, no matter what it is, is your album cover.

Here are my results:

"Applying the Wrong Remedy" is a great album title, isn't it?


I need dinner help. Since Kevin started working full-time again, I offered to make dinner during the week. I'm at home all day, so it should be no big deal, right? Kevin cooks on the weekends, which gives me a break, but I'm stymied by cooking for only two people. I don't think it's the math of cutting recipes in half that bugs me. I might be a math moron, but even I can do that. I could make full-size recipes, too, because leftovers are handy for Kevin to take to work for lunch and for me to heat up the next day.

I guess I got used to cooking for three, and I haven't adjusted to the notion that Daniel isn't here for dinner? Whatever. I'm feeling decidedly UNcreative, and I'm bored to tears with making the same thing over and over. Suggestions?


J said...

I can't tell you what to make ho, but you can still cook for three and eat the leftovers.

I am very uncreative in the kitchen, so I'm no help here. BTW, I'm at work right now- can you believe it?

Anonymous said...

You poor go. I can't believe you're still having this issue. Since I don't really know what you usually have for dinner, I'm not sure what to tell you. Just keep it simple. And just cook the except using less ingredients. You sound like you're feeling antsy about some thing, is that it? xoxo

stephanieee said...

I used to be a creative cook, but after 40 years of slaving in the kitchen (I started when I was 13), the thrill is gone. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that I now hate to cook.

Anonymous said...

Eat leftovers, it's far easier than trying to cook for two. Or maybe we should collaborate on a cookbook for empty-nesters?

Let's see, I've been cooking since I was seven, so I've been at it some 18 years now (try not to hurt yourself laughing.)

Funny, but the more I cook, the more I love it. I've even been dreaming of applying to Le Cordon Bleu (London, not Paris). Maybe, after Gregory graduates...

Anonymous said...

Forgot to mention: That CD cover thing worked really well. The band name is 62d Airlift Wing, the album title is Sweet Serenity of Books, and the cover photo was of a large bird silhouetted against a light break in rather gray clouds. It was almost enough to inspire me to dust off the ol' six-string. Almost.