- Type your answer to each question into Photobucket's (or Google Image's) search box.
- Choose a picture from the first page of results and post it with the answer.
- You can't copy the pictures the person who posted before you used.
1. The age you will be on your next birthday:

2. A place you'd like to travel to:

3. Your favorite place:
Right now? My couch.

4. Your favorite object:
I have so many, so I picked a little piece of rough opal Daniel gave me for Christmas. Opal is my birthstone, and I was amazed he remembered that!

5. Your favorite food:
Chocolate (but then I saw this picture of a chocolate cake and thought "Ooooo, cake!")

6. Your favorite animal:

7. Your favorite color:

8. Your hometown:
I don't have a "real" hometown. I was born in Macon, Georgia.

9. The state in which you live:

10. The name of a past pet:

11. A dream come true:
I wouldn't call this a dream exactly, but my first thought was "a clean house."

12. Your nickname:
I've never had many nicknames, but sometimes Kevin calls me "Daisy Mae" because of my habit of running around barefoot.

13. Your middle name:
Michelle (a picture of Hurricane Michelle--ha!)

14. Your last name:
I felt a little odd answering this question (even though almost everyone who reads here probably knows it). Most of the image results I got were related to a famous movie trilogy, though.
15. Your bad habit:

16. Your first job:
I painted ceramic Christmas tree ornaments in a woman's basement, which was less like a sweatshop than it sounds, really. After some dithering, I came up with "ceramic painter" as a job title of sorts.
17. Your grandmother's name:

OMG the laziness one had me rolling. :) Your pictures are fun- I liked 11 and 12, too.
Sweet Lord, I'll be 53 in May!
The painting of Provence reminded me more of Tuscany, at first glance. But I think that's because I'm in a carbonara state of mind right now.
Funny you should mention turquoise, as I've been using a lot of Sleeping Beauty Turquoise Genuine (from Dan Smith) in my watercolours of late. It's a fantastic sky blue, the best I've ever used. I love this colour!
Fun! I might do this one, too!
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