Friday, February 29, 2008

Moving on

It's been a couple of weeks since my last update, but I think you'll understand when I tell you what's going on. I'm losing my house. I've tried working out solutions, yadda yadda, but I decided giving up was the wisest choice--for me. Honestly, I'm no longer all that enamored of home ownership. I've done it for 12 years, and I'm ready to let someone else worry about repairs and taxes.

Now for the positives: This house is too much house for just Kevin and me, so we're moving into a smaller house that will be much easier to keep clean and in order. Packing to move has forced me to clean out unbelievable amounts of useless crap--things I haven't looked at in five years, things I'd never, in a million years, use. I can't believe I had all that junk sitting around gathering dust. No wonder I've felt overwhelmed and mentally cluttered for the past few years! With each bag of trash that gets tossed, I feel lighter mentally and emotionally.

Next positive: We're moving to a college town (and, yes, it's the town where Daniel goes to school, but I've sworn a blood oath not to intrude too often), and as I told Greg, I feel as though I'm re-entering civilization after 12 years of exile. The new town has live music and theater! An art museum! Tons of restaurants, bookstores, and cool shops! A botanical garden! A historical society! I can't wait to get out and start exploring.

Yet another positive: The job market up there is much, much better than here in Mayberry, so Kevin and I are hoping he can find a job with more of a future. After a little surfing, I've already seen listings for job search, career counseling, and job retraining services, so that's a good sign, I think.

And another one: Rent is going to be far less than my mortgage payment, so I can get caught up financially and maybe even save some money (what a concept).

I know losing my house is a bad thing, but I don't think I'm wrong to feel a little hopeful. This house and this town were a wonderful place to raise Daniel, but that chapter of my life is over. Time to turn the page to the next one.

I won't have Internet access next week because my service provider is switching cable companies, but I might head over to the library a few times and check e-mail (address over there to the left). I'll have plenty to do to keep me busy--just wish me strength to withstand the withdrawal pangs, would you?


Greg said...

Okay, I've written this half a dozen ways, and not one conveyed what I need to say. So how about straight, uncluttered emotion: I love you, kid; you're the best friend I've never met. I know what you're doing is best for Lisa, but I can't help worrying. It's a southern thing... So take care of you, and don't be to surprised when I ring you two or three times in the next week.

Anonymous said...

I love you, Lisa.

Anonymous said...

Lisa, sorry about the house. I am happy though that you are finding ways to make a positive out of all this. I wish you the best.

Anonymous said...

You are going to be so much happier! I went to school where Daniel goes and in fact, my sister settled there after college and it's where I go all the time to see my nieces (who both go to that school, too, and I'm so proud I could bust). Have dinner at the Parthenon and raise your glass to me. ;o)

We too are trying to dump a house and frankly I'm ready to sell it as is rather than keep trying to fix it. I'm a little ahead of you on the Throwing Away of Crap, but my clothes closet is getting it this weekend and my life WILL improve because of it.

Do what you have to do because you know what? Everyone else does. There's no reason you shouldn't.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that hankie, Lisa.

Anonymous said...

Altho it looks like a "bad" thing at first, it really sounds like it might turn out to be a wonderful event in your life. Thanks for the email (altho I need to be spanked for not replying. No. Really.) See you around soon!

Anonymous said...

I'll call you tonight, sweetie. Love you, Renee

Anonymous said...

You know what? You sound like your head's in the right place about it.

Best of luck with the move and I hope you continue to enjoy throwing stuff away even more than you already have. That's always my favorite part of moving.

Anonymous said...

Good for you for feeling hopeful! I admire you for that, and I wish you the best of luck.

Anonymous said...

My parents were caught up in the mortgage mess and it stressed me out as they fought to figure out what to do, so I can imagine it's weighed pretty heavily on your mind as well. It makes me happy to know that you're hopeful about everything and looking on the bright side!! Keep us updated!!!

PS- Are you going to rent a house or an apartment?