Thursday, February 7, 2008

AI and PR

I've been working my short little fingers to the bone this week, so in terms of exciting news to report? I have nothing. So far this week, I've been collapsing on the couch around 7:00 or 8:00, watching a little TV, and then going back to work for another hour or two. I'm unduly excited about the variation in this routine planned for tonight. Kevin decreed we're spending the evening upstairs putting away piles of laundry he's washed, cleaning the bathroom, and generally straightening up. Few people see the upstairs, so I tend to neglect it, but the general chaos up there is getting on both our nerves.
I'll spare you the whining and complaining about lazy, incoherent authors and move on to the TV watching. American Idol aired its "Best of the Rest" episode last night, and I was unimpressed, except for Ryan being so familiar with Dolly Parton songs. Watching him sing "Islands in the Stream" and doing a little dance with the auditioner's mom was pretty much worth the time I wasted on that episode. Ryan's such a tiny little man that it was like watching a wee leprechaun caper around.
What else? Oh, Project Runway, of course! SASHA, if you haven't watched yet, STOP READING.
Ricky, the designer who's been sobbing all season at the drop of a hat? Tell him he's awful, and he cries, but tell him he's good--yep, he cries then, too. And he's been weeping and wailing in every episode while wearing the most godawful hats I've ever seen. So last night when he was eliminated, I was bracing myself for the inevitable waterworks. Not one tear, however. What the . . . ? Maybe his Greek fisherman's cap made from mesh (why??) consoled him.


mercyst said...

I was waiting for a big sob feast from Ricky too and was shocked when he didn't even shed a tear. But I also thought Christian would threw a fit when he didn't win.

Lisa said...

Oh, Christian was fuming on the inside that his "fierceness" wasn't recognized--trust me!

crazy dog lady said...

I swear Ricky made that cap from the black mesh bag my onions come in. I,too, was majorly perplexed at the lack of waterworks. Maybe he was just relieved that teh crazy was ovah for him.

Christian bit his lip when he lost to Chris..he IS talented but I do agree with the win going to Chris. He is so adept at the costumey stuff that it was a no-brainer he'd excel at this challenge.

This is the first time I correctly predicted the winner and loser.

What was distracting to me was that blonde guy guest judge and his overplumped lips. I couldn't take my eyes off how wierd they looked.

Anonymous said...

Ha HA, Lisa. I watched the latest episode of PR this morning while i was drinking coffee. I want to protect Christian from all your mean accusations. He was not fuming, he was merely smoldering. And only a little.

David Dust said...

"Señor Weepy" - no mas!

Click here for DavidDust's latest Project Runway recap.

Anonymous said...

I was glad to see Ricky go (and STUNNED that he didn't break down - WTF?). That outfit he made was awful. Orange?

And why did Sweet P make such an ugly, ill-fitting outfit for the WWE champion, of all people? She should be ashamed! If I was that WWE champion chick I would have snapped her in two.

I loved Chris's outfit so much I'm still thinking about it today. I want it for myself!

Anonymous said...

We like Jillian and Sweet Pea on PR. btw, check out

it will make you snort coffee up your nose....


Anonymous said...

oops. make that